should I keep my EU license?



Hello All,

I moved in from Germany and have a Full EU driving license. My car insurer has promised a discount if I exchanged my EU license to a Irish license. This exchange will only cost me 10 Euros but I might lose the EU license for good. For the insurer this is good because he can keep a good watch on the driving points.

Are there any advantages / disadvantages that I might have to consider before taking this decision to exchange?

Thank you in advance for all the replies.

Sai Kumar J
If you keep your EU licence you cannot get points on it here.
Apart from that no advantage!
If it's the credit card sized one I'd keep it as it will fit easily in a wallet. My irish one is falling to pieces and the new EU ones are much better.
I got stopped for doing 119 in a 100km zone and told the guard that I'd be changing my UK licence - his reply was " why would you want to do that"

Seems, that whilst you should have a licence at your current address, there is no specific law requiring you to do so. Once you have a valid license to drive, then that's it. - I must change mine by May 2038!
What is an EU licence? Is it not a German licence? Can you drive here permanently with an 'EU' licence?

If it's a German license it will never expire, whereas you would have to apply for a new Irish one every x (10?) years.