Should i have to pay for pressure test on plumbing on house


Registered User
I got an engineer to take a look at the house I am buying and he poing out numerous small thinks that are easily fixed but also ponted out that a pressure check should be done on the pipes to check for leaks as the house was built 6 years ago but has not been lived in since.

My question is who should pay for this? I have a deposit on the house and have agreed to buy once snags are fixed.
i would say you do and the builder fixes the leaks (if any).....did he specify to what pressure you should test? builder may be reluctant as the test might cause leaks (in his book).......would be more inclined to fill up the system and check for leaks......i've done a lot of pressure testing of water mains but never within a house...not to say it wouldnt be the done thing just not my bag
You should pay for this. Caveat Emptor. And thank your engineer for being so well-clued in as to suggest it. I think its excellent advice.
Its easy to forget the damage that frost did nine months ago, on a mild October afternoon (or in this case a wet and windy one).