Should I go directly to injuriesboard? My solr is useless.


Registered User
Hey hope someone with some experience can advise me please.

I was in a car accident 6 months ago and ended up with whiplash in neck shoulder area. I was off work for 3 and a half weeks and 5/6 weeks of physio thereafter and everyday home excersizes. Doc expected full recovery within 6 months altho said its an unpredictable condition. Im grand enough now, just an odd twinge if I over do it, but nothing for past few weeks.

Anyway, Insurance co have offered me €8,500 plus special expenses. I dont mean to be crude about money (but this is askaboutmoney after all!). Is this enough or can I expect more from the injuries board? The book of quantum I have looked at but many stories I hear don't seem to follow it, and it does appear to be out of date by 6/7 years?

I did engage a solicitor to look after this for me as I wanted no hassle and just to get it sorted but this was a grave mistake. She did minimal work and did not even meet me once and I had to cover all my outlays (doc report etc). Not to mention missing basic info and delaying proceedings further. Basically I don't trust a word she says and am tempted to go the injuries board just to annoy her. She seems to be after an easy payday tbh

Can anyone with any sound experience advise me? Is this a good offer or would I be better going to the injuries board? or is it a case of rolling the dice.

Again sorry for being crude but I couldn't bear shelling out more cash to another solicitor in order to be told I'm being ripped off (nor could I bear the irony of said situation)
thanks in advance
Hi futuresailor

It's likely that the insurance company offered you a smaller amount in case you would be tempted by cash.

Get rid of your solicitor if she is doing nothing for you.

You can go directly to the Injuries Board. They will make an assessment and you have a choice then whether to accept it or not.

The problem with whiplash is that it is unpredictable. If you don't need the money, you could wait for a while to see how the condition develops.

I can't remember the time limits for submitting a claim, but presumably they must allow for enough time to see the medium term effects of an injury.
Hi Futuresailor,

In terms of your solicitor, you seem unhappy as it is. I would take Brendans advice and get rid. All applications to the Injuries Board can be done on your own and from what I gather is quite easy to do. I was not aware of this myself until well into my application.

I myself was in an accident just under 2 years ago. The insurance company offered me a very low sum that barely compensated my ongoing medical bills. At the time I had a back support in place and was visiting a physiotherapist every second day for treatment plus my GP for prescriptions. Weekly costs were over €200 euros. What they offered after the value of my car would not have gotten me beyond 3 months treatment and my physiotherapist indicated up to a year for recovery. So for me and my injuries, it was best that I went to the Injuries Board. I am still awaiting a result but I am confident in my decision.

Every case is different and only you can decide what you are happy to do. It goes without saying that the insurance company would like to finalize everything quickly and save money doing so, hence your first offer. If you are not happy with this offer, decline it and the insurance company will come back to you with another. If that offer does not satisfy you, at that stage it is best to go to the Injuries Board.
Injuries board average award would be approx 15,000 euro. This is normally for cases where symtoms are ongoing for a year or more. From your description of the injury your basicly recovered six months in. Luckily sounds minor enough. It varies but would be surprised if you didn't get more than the 8,500 been offered by the insurance company. Injuries board take 9 months to assess your case plus the 3 months the insurance company have to consent to the assessment. So if you apply now your looking at a year roughly before getting a settlement.
Go to Injuries Board
You will have to check if the Solicitor has been their already on your behalf
1. Whiplash injuries can take some time to setle.
2. Watch your time limits. If issuing proceeding must be within two years of accident less any time it is with Injuries Board.
3. Refer to injuries Board. If you do not agree with their assessment you may`still issue proceedings.
4. If you do not get on with your present solicitor, change - but unless you have a lot of time on your hands and know your away around all the relevant law, don't try to work out all your options without professional advice.

Good luck