Hard to imagine any circumstance where a credit union loan would be dearer than a normal credit card debt. Find out the rate on your credit card and the rate from the credit union.
Clear Cr Card off immediately and try and stop using it as much as before and try and clear off all future bills on Cr card prior to Interest going on it.
Let's look at the numbers in detail.
This means that she has more on deposit with the credit union than what she has borrowed.
We don't know how much this is but let's assume the following figures
|Total|Credit Union| Credit card
Interest rate||5%|19%
Deposit interest||€50
Net borrowings|€9,000|0|€9,000
You are borrowing at 19% on your credit card because you have been fooled by the Credit Union Myth that it's good to have savings, even if they are paying only 1%. So your Credit Union savings are costing you €950 per annum.
Take your shares out of the Credit Union. Unfortunately, due to the stupid Credit Union legislation, you have to leave 25% of the amount of the loan in shares. Take out the balance and pay it off your credit card.
Here are the actual rules - don't take any rubbish from the CU staff.
1) You can immediately withdraw any cash in excess of the loan amount - do this immediately .
2) Stop saving
3) The board has to apply to allow you withdraw in cash any amount in excess of 25% of the loan. Apply immediately and if they don't agree, put down a motion at the AGM. Kick up about this. Don't forget. Your CU savings are costing you 18% interest.
4) When you have achieved the above, ask them to set the shares against your loan They will probably refuse to do this.
If you are in a progressive CU which cares about its members and has moved on from the 18th century, they should allow you go all the way to no 4)