Hi there,
I have recently received an Insurance pay-out, which coincidentally almost equals the amount owing on my UB Tracker (ECB+0.95%).
I know that paying this off would give me extra income per month, just when needed as a result of retirement due to Illness.
However, I wonder if I could do better, but not sure by how much.
Is there an Investment or Account which I could use to put my money into, which I could use to repay UB monthly, and still give me a better return for my money?
I do know that some Instant Access accounts pay over 3%(Gross).
This would have to be somewhere safe, with no risk to my money.
My mortgage term left is 5 years, and the amount owing is approx. €40k.
Would the difference be worth it by the time the Mortgage is paid.
Alternatively, is there any point in approaching and asking for a better settlement or some sweetener, as I know they would dearly love to get rid of a Tracker, which is not economic for them.
EDIT: Anyone??Please