Should I be concerned about any of this on snag list?


Registered User
Got my snag list last week and submitted it to builder's solicitor. Most of it doesn't seem serious to me so hope it's ok to copy and paste list here to get feedback on items I should insist on getting done. I want to get in as soon as possible so here it is:

Entrance Hall
Reveals around main door internally need touching up where hole is located in top right hand corner and also both reveals where plaster is flaking particularly on the left hand side next the hinges.
Paint work needs touching up especially where there is discoloration on the left hand angle to the front door reveal.
Number all switches on MCB Board so it is clear which items they relate to.
Make good and touch up paint work to architrave, walls and joint with ceiling where shrinkage cracking has occurred from normal drying out process.

Living Room
Make good to plaster work to right hand side of radiator under window also touch up cracking to plaster over radiator next the window board and to the left hand side of the large window.
Clean wooden floor and remove varnish stain beside coffee table.
Connect electric fire
Touch up paint work to wall containing radiator between door from Entrance Hall and to back corridor serving toilet and bedroom.

Kitchen Area
Corner doors to boiler unit catching.
Ensure dishwasher and washing machine are fully plumbed and connected to sockets
Fill holes around where pipes from boiler exit through wall and also ensure that area is fully sealed and fireproofed around flue from boiler.

Back Hall
Touch up paint work around shrinkage cracking particularly at architrave on doors.

Hot Press
Touch up paint work to right of blank socket where repairs carried out to plasterwork.

Mixer tap loose to whb
Thoroughly clean sanitary in particular WC bowl also small single flush does not appear to be working satisfactorily.
Touch up paint work to walls in particular to right of WC next shower door.
Bathroom door sticking needs adjustment

Touch up cracking to plaster to right of radiator and also in area around vent.
Touch up varnish to door where the door was plained down for fitting.
Automatic door closing fixer has been disconnected same needs attention.

Windows need cleaning externally
Hairline plaster crack on gable needs touching up

Provide manuals, guarantees and operating instructions in relation to all appliances
everything on list seems reasonable and nothing out of the ordinary, but you should make sure all items are completed before you close
Yes normal enough snag list.

'Clean wooden floor and remove varnish stain beside coffee table.'
Coffee table included in purchase?