Should Fine Gael Change Leader?

Lex Foutish

Registered User
I have never voted for Fine Gael.

However, I think that, if for no other reason than they need to be taught some humility and manners, Fianna Fáil must spend some time out of power and in opposition.

The current opposition, led by Enda Kenny, is almost as much of a joke as the Government. They seem to exist only to criticise Government decisions (and indecision).

Enda Kenny seems a nice guy, by and large, but I'm not sure I'd like to have him defending me if I was up in court on a serious charge. He has consistently come across as a wishy washy (remember the priest with Navan Man and the Drunken Politician?) individual who does not inspire any confidence at all. If he verbally attacked you in the Dáil, would you feel like Jim Kemmy did, after he was so attacked by Seán Haughey, that you had been savaged by a dead sheep?

Over the last few months, Richard Bruton has come across well on radio and tv as an opposition economic spokesman and when he speaks, he generally argues logically and sensibly and seems to make sense most of the time.

Is it time for FG to push Enda aside and replace him with Richard Bruton?

As leader of the Labour Party, Eamonn Gilmore is also performing well, unlike Pat Rabbitte who seemed to have relied on clever one liners and sound bites to try to make an impact?

I think the country needs a credible alternative at the next election but if Enda Kenny remains at the helm, they'll come up short again.

He took a major tumble in my opinion a few months ago when some politician (can't remember who - please post if you know) came out and said that all TD's should take a pay cut. The same day Enda Kenny said on Matt Cooper's show and said this was "populist nonsense." A few days later, however, he came out saying that he and his fellow travellers were taking a pay cut (with no reference to populist nonsense) and he's been boasting about it since and wearing it like a badge of honour picked up off the side of the road on his way to Damascus!

Does he think we're idiots or that we're suffering from dementia or amnesia? People have a habit of remembering such things at election time.

And last week, when questioned (in the same week when Public Service workers were told they were going to pay increased pension contributions) about the pension he collects while serving as a TD, he replied, "Do you expect us to give it back?"

Generally, I couldn't care less about Fine Gael but, in the current situation, their country needs them. I believe that a Bruton/Gilmore alternative would give genuine options to the electorate at the next election. They won't be foolish enough to make a pre election pact before it, given the outcome of the last one, but I certainly could picture Richard Bruton as Taoiseach and Eamonn Gilmore as Tánaiste.

And Mary Hanafin heckling from the Opposition benches!

Enda as Taoiseach, however? I don't think so.
Not too much of a political observer but I would agree 100% with you. The general consensus among my peers in the last election was that it was time for a change but there was no credible alternative to FF. We also agreed that FG's credibility was, in our eyes, largely let down by Mr. Kenny. He just doesn't inspire confidence.

Richard Bruton by and large comes across in my eyes as being able and competent, however I felt he disappointed on PrimeTime last week when he allowed himself to be bullied by Dermot Aherne and seemed like a nervous and fidgety puppy. I was sorry to see him appear as such as he is one of the few opposition members who I would have faith in. Gilmore would also catch my eye.

Either way, time for Kenny to put his party and country first and step aside. Thunderbird should go.
Either way, time for Kenny to put his party and country first and step aside. Thunderbird should go.

That's exactly it, Baldyman. He needs to do the noble thing and put his country and party first. Can't see him doing it though, can you?

And could you imagine someone from Fianna Fáil doing it in similar circumstances...................................................................?

I agree with you there also. And that's a big problem for them-there aren't too many in the FG Party who would inspire confidence. I've always felt that Brian Hayes has potential leadership qualities and I think Phil Hogan is a man of integrity but not too many more jump out at me apart from Olivia Mitchell and Alan Shatter.

Leo Varadker seems to be out of the same stable (or kennel if you were a Scrap Saturday fan) as "The Mad Tailor From Quinn," Madeline Taylor Quinn. Unfortunately, most of our Cork FG TD's are no great shakes either, in all fairness. (And I'll never forgive Jimmy Deenihan for what he used to do to Jimmy Barry Murphy during Munster Finals!)

Seriously though, I do hope that they'll be able to provide us with a genuine alternative next time around.
Hold on a second!! Surely Fianna Fail should change leader!! This one managed to feck up the health service then the economy and is now leading the country down the drain. Cowen is the biggest liability this country has IMO and a man I don't trust with my future.

Many would agree with you, Shesells, but if he were to step down, there are a few other prominent possible alternative FF TD's with leadership potential. And they all served in the same cabinet with Brian Cowen. Dermot Ahern, Micheál Martin and Brian Lenihan spring to mind.

And bearing all this in mind, let's all be grateful that Jackie Healy Rea left Fianna Fáil when he did..............................!
Agree with OP.

Kenny out, bruton in and they have a much better chance of getting in.
Hold on a second!! Surely Fianna Fail should change leader!! Cowen is the biggest liability this country has IMO and a man I don't trust with my future.

A short term solution to a long term problem. I'll put my hand up, I voted FF last time around, for reasons I've explained above, and I was happy to see Cowen replace Aherne last year as I thought he was a man with purpose. Purpose = dictatorship, it now seems, which is why I don't see him stepping aside anytime soon. Can't see him being pushed aside either in the current situation as the poisoned chalice now seems a poisoned barrel that not many would risk their reputation trying to empty.

FG have to sort themselves out first, proper leadership that will make Joe Public take them seriously. Then its either wait until the next election or hope there's a dail revolution that will bring about an early election.

All that said, there is still a niggle in the back of my mind that FG, for all their talk, might freeze in the spotlight if they suddenly found themselves in power.
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Enda Kenny reminds me of Eoin McLove from Father Ted. I just can't take him seriously.
He looks as if he is trying too hard to look grave. When he castigates the party in power, does he not have anything to say of the vast majority of the electorate? After all, it was the vast majority that didn't vote for his party.
Enda Kenny, best weapon in the Fianna Fail armory and they know it, hence why they by and large let him ramble on. The guy doesn't seem to have an original idea in his head and just copies whatever is populist from around the world. eg, his "contract with the people" or whatever the heck it was called at the last election. I'm just waiting for him to start talking about "change" and going "yes we can"

Not sure about Eamonn Gilmore, distinct improvement on the Rabbit but then who wouldn't be?? I'd like to see Labour get a bit more specific on policies, all a bit vague at the minute from what I can see.

As for FF, as a life long FF voter have to say I'm disappointed with Cowan but who is there to replace him, Martin is too wishy washy, Lenihan is rushing things in without thinking, Dermot Ahern doesn't seem interested and MAry COughlin is out of her depth. Who's left, Martin Cullen??????? Willie O'Dea???

Actually, now that I think of it, by and large, of the 166 TDs in the Dail at the minute, very few of them are up to much cop.
FF have driven this country into the ground over the last 10 years and caved into the unions to such an extent that we're borrowing money to pay the bloated public service wage bills yet we'll still have people voting for them again in the next general elections.

How could FG not be a credible alternative, Eamonn Dunphy and podge and rodge could do as good a job as the incumbents.
True Fianna Fail voters will never change allegiance. It doesn't matter what FF do wrong, how much they are shown to be corrupt or how many promises they break. It apparently doesn't even matter that during a period of prosperity they failed to think and plan ahead and that we are now in a mess partially of their making.

The old 'Enda Kenny is not a good alternative' is yet another excuse. Enda Kenny lacks charisma, are we all so superficial that that will stop us scrambling to get rid of the present idiots? God knows I'm willing to give him a chance.

With the PDs gone ( I still bemoan the loss of McDowell who, although hot tempered, at least seemed to be intelligent and unafraid of short term unpopularity for the greater good) I despair of the present government.