This is a link to their Terms of Business
They hold written letters of appointment with numerous product providers, so they should have been able to get the best deal for you.
The following is from the TOB document:
Complaint Handling Procedure
Cornmarket is committed to providing a high level of service and has a complaint handling procedure in place. Should you feel that you have not received a satisfactory level of service, please write in the first instance to Jane Horan, Cornmarket Group Financial Services Ltd., Christchurch Sq., Dublin 8, or email If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of your complaint through Cornmarket, you may also submit any complaint to the Financial Services Ombudsman Bureau, 3rd Floor, Lincoln House, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2 or the Pensions Ombudsman, 36 Upper Mount St., Dublin 2.
Conflict of Interest
Your attention is drawn to the fact that some person(s) connected with us may have an interest, relationship or arrangement which is material in relation to the investment,
transaction or service we are providing. However, our employees are required to comply with our policy of independence and disregard any such interest when making recommendations to you.