Should Civil Servants be allowed Career Breaks with no restrictions?


N Solo

ajapale said:
In another thread some concern was voiced at the apparent ability of Civil Servants to leave the Service and return at a later date.

"They now find themselves in the unenviable position of probably having no job or craving the security working in their previous environment carried. I have little or no sympthy for that person and they are wrong to assume they can just go back to their previous job or that the only way to lose your job in the civil service is through gross misconduct or murder"

Is it not staggering to think of the amount of waste, infrastructure projects vastly overbudget and the CS people responsible have not been sacked?

As far as I a know the individual just simply wants to exploit the CS having made a packet (e.g. has little left to pay on their mortage after the money earned ex CS and just wants to return to a, no offence intended, relaxed non stressful, non-pressure, bench marking pay rises etc (any other CS cliche you can think of job!)

I now hear their HR dept is currently finding a placement.

I am just bewildered that it appears to be so easy to exploit the system and walk back into the CS

N Solo