Should a bank cash an altered cheque?


Registered User
Interested to hear opinions on the following scenario. Couple separated in acrimonious circumstances. Nothing formalised with bank accounts yet. Joint account operated with either signature - only one signature required. Chequebook on joint account features the names "John Doe and Jane Doe" printed on the cheques. John Doe writes a cheque but scribbles out Jane Doe's name from the cheque so that only his printed name is visible. He signs and dates the cheque. Bank honours the cheque as only one signature is required.

Not sure WHY he scribbled out her name from the cheque. But does altering a cheque in this way render the cheque invalid? (For various reasons, Jane Doe would like to get this sum of money back and is wondering would this be a way to do it.)
"But does altering a cheque in this way render the cheque invalid?"

Nope! Only one signature required.

Memo to separating couples: money left in joint accounts could go astray. Don't rely on the other party to do the decent thing. Equally, how bad does it look if one takes 1/2 or all of joint funds?

I wouldn't think so, it's not a change that has any impact unlike changing the amount for example. Names on the account are still the same and either signature is all that was required.
Bank acts on the mandate held, this change alters nothing from a payment point of view.