Short term public service pension


Registered User
I am currently on contract with the public service. I have taken out a prsa to cover pension, I contribute 1000/mth. I was in a long term job before this and have a good defined benefit from there. I am hoping to retire by 62-63 and was thinking to cash in the prsa for those years to get me to the defined benefit and social welfare pension at 65-66.

I could be in a position to take up a permanent role where I am. But my salary would drop by could come up relatively quickly again I am lead to believe. But I am wondering how this would affect my pension as opposed to staying on the prsa for 6-7yrs more.

Hoping that's enough info for a ballpark answer! Thanks :)
Presumably, if you take up a full, permanent role in the PS, you would join the SPSPS.

Your previous job and previous DB pension, was that in the PS?