Short term debts issues


Registered User
My neice and husband plus two kids are emigrating to Australia soon. Their house is in positive equity, and is being put up for sale. No difficulty selling, and a sale, for a decent price, should be completed within 6/8 months. There will be sufficient monies to redeem the mortgage and pay their short term debt - CU 25k, CC 7k, and two other small loans totaling 12k. However, the lenders of the short term debt will not accept Solicitor's undertaking that the all debts will be discharged from proceeds of house sale. They have all indicated that they will proceed to a legal process within 28 days, and some of them have already issued notices to that effect. My neice does not want to leave a mess behind, and would like to protect her credit rating and borrowing capacity, should she ever return. My understanding is that the best outcome for the creditors from the court process would only be a judgement against their property anyway, but surely this is the same outcome as the one being offered by her Solicitor. This whole process will cost 000's, will cause alot of anxiety, and with no real gain for anyone, except the legal people. Can anyone offer some ideas or advice on how best to resolve with the situation.
I am a bit confused.

Are they in arrears on their short term debt now?

Who is refusing to accept the solicitor's undertaking , the Credit Union or the Credit Card company?

Hi Brendan,
Apologies for any confusion.
No arrears on mortgage, and no arrears on CU loan.
However, the CU refuse to reschedule or restructure payments to a level she can pay while in Australia, so eventually the a/c will go into arrears and lead to some follow up action being taken.
Approx 6 months arrears on all other short term loans.
All refuse to accept undertaking.
My neice does not want to leave a mess behind, and would like to protect her credit rating and borrowing capacity, should she ever return.

As she has arrears on her other loans, surely her credit rating is already damaged?

If she just unilaterally reschedules the CU loan and pays them what she can afford, there is very little that the CU can do, except of course, refuse her a loan in the future if she comes back.

They could begin legal action, but they will get nowhere within the 6 to 8 months it will take to sell the house.

Not sure what arrangements are in place for the small loans over the past 6 months. You are possibly right that the ICB already reflects those arrears.
Thank you for your comments.