Shoreline Residential issuing incorrect arrears letters

Bad News

Registered User
Received a letter from Shoreline this week telling me that I was in arrears. Rang them to dispute this as I get paid on the 28th so pay my mortgage in the last few days of the month and I specifically remember paying on the 31st.

Customer (no) Service member confirmed I had made the payment on the 31st but apparently only payments made up to 3pm are considered valid payments for that day, everything else gets posted the following day. I naturally disputed this as regardless of when they got around to posting it, the payment was made and left my bank that day. l asked if they could check the information that had been reported to the ICB as the letter may automatically generate as the 1st of the month but the report to the ICB may be different. He told me I'd have to do that myself on their website. They want me to pay to see if they've done their job correctly!

We went round in circles for a while with him trying to blame me by first saying I should have made the payment before 3pm and then telling me my contract states payments should be made on the 10th of each month (which it doesn't and even if it did he didn't have the contract in front of him so I know he's lying) and that they were being good enough to give me till the end of the month to pay.

At this point I was getting really pi$$ed off. A simple check of the report would have confirmed if the information had been mis-reported and they could have had it amended but he wasn't giving in so neither was I. At this point I asked to speak to a manager or supervisor and he laughed before putting me on hold for 10 mins.

So before I put myself through the annoyance of calling them back can anyone confirm if Shoreline can report to the ICB? They're not listed members. And if they are would a complaint to the Financial Services Ombudsman do any good or does he have any power?
If not listed as ICB members they are not using it.
If you go onto Irish Credit Bureau site you can for e6 get your ICB report.
Looks like you met an unmannerly (twit).
No point in the hassle of FSO , too much paper!
For your own (sanity) don,t get into phone calls ,put everything into a note , keep a copy and await response.By putting things in writing , you get time to cool, and they are forced to respond and importantly you hold a paper trail.
In short God bless , snail mail!
Thanks Gerry, he just really annoyed me. Maybe Monday wasn't the best day to ring them.

Common sense would tell you if a payment is made on a specific day then that's the day it should be recorded. And it's a 5 min job to check the ECB report and amend if necessary (I've done the job so know it's an easy fix). I know I can get a copy of the report myself but why should I have to when I then need to go back to Shoreline to get it amended anyway.

If they're not registered with the ICB and reporting directly I wonder is it possible that they're reporting through IBRC or would that breach data protection etc by reporting through and unaffiliated company?
Well it wasn't reported to the ICB apparently but another fight just to get him to confirm that in writing. I did get him to admit they are reporting through IBRC though. Surely that can't be allowed seeing as IBRC now have no rightful interest in the mortgage.
Don't do anything by phone with IBRC/Shoreline/lone star or the rest.

Put in writing - saves your frustration & guarantees paper trail.

Of course it doesn't guarantee that you get a comprehensible reply, or indeed any reply at all. I've been struggling with them since March....