Shopped at T-K-Maxx since 2003 and paid with Credit Card?


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They had a slight security problem and credit card data might have been exposed (data as far back as 2003), see [broken link removed]

I actualy think I had mine stolen there too. In December I noticed some unkown charges on my PTSB card (very small, test charges possibly) and immedialy asked them to close the account and give me a new one.

According to PTSB there were tries for higher charges a couple of hours after I closed my account - thanks to open24 I did know that something was wrong.
Aha , that explains it !!
First I had a red cross donation on my CC for $5, which I got refunded by the bank. A week later 1600 euros debited for a Komplett transaction and another $5 donation. I did not have a clue how my CC details could have been compromised, I have never had any problems in the past. But I did use my CC in TK Maxx. Now this was in February, so I wonder why this still happened if they were already aware of the exposure.. strange.
They had a slight security problem

Not my problem, the banks problem. The money may be taken from your account but as it's not your money in the first place and you didn't take it out, you don't suffer the loss.

Do you remember when the banks made a fortune on commission getting people to insure their CC being stolen, fraudulently used or redundancy and even charging the ill informed customer interest on the premium. Talk about milking it. There were so many exclusions on these policies it was apparently virtually impossible to claim off them.

Brass neck, they deserve everything they get with interest. I havn't heard much about those particular insurance products lately, must be something to do with all the bad publicity it was attracting, and people realising they were being ripped off.

Now they are in denial:

If I remember right when I last time used my card there was no PIN/Chip in TK Maxx and also how come that they 1st say it is, than not.

Nobody needs my PIN to make false transactions in PayPal, the red cross or some other website.

And if it happend to me and "Happy_Harry" than there must be other out there too.

I don't agree with Murt10, while in the end the bank might pay, they truly calculate fraud into their cost they charge us. Also running arround getting a new card, disputing any charges (in writing via snail mail) and updating everyone you gave your card for regular transaction and the temporary dip in limit, that is a problem for me the user.
I have shopped in TK Maxx regularly in the past few years. In different stores around Ireland and the US. There have been no unauthorised transactions on my account in that time.

On the last number of ocassions I used TK MAXX in Ireland, I used my PIN.

Is there any proof that it was the TK Maxx issue that affected DublinTexas or Happy Harry? Banks aren't always able to say how someone got your card details.
Is there any proof that it was the TK Maxx issue that affected DublinTexas or Happy Harry? Banks aren't always able to say how someone got your card details.

Unfortunately I cannot say for sure where the thief got my cc data from, however I find it strange that one week after I used my card at TKmax weird transactions started showing up. I have used Credit cards for many years and have never had any fraudulent transactions.
I am not even going to bother asking my bank who did it ; refunds have been made and I have a new credit card, which I won't be using in TKmax again.

The other thing I learnt from this is that BOI does not seem to have a very sophisticated fraud warning system in place. MBNA used to call me almost every time I used the card "out of profile" (be it abroad or online). I can imagine this can be a real pain as well if you use your card regularly but at least I felt my card was secure.
BOI has never verified any purchase.
Unfortunately I cannot say for sure where the thief got my cc data from, however I find it strange that one week after I used my card at TKmax weird transactions started showing up.

Same here, PTSB did not give (despite my request) details of IP's involved, locations etc, they just refunded the charges.

I know that the card was not used used online by me (as I have one time numbers for that kind of stuff) so it can only be some system where they were stored like TKMaxx. I find the timelines also strange.

Proof I don't have but a strong suspicion.

In any case, no more TKMaxx for me.
Why would they be storing your details to begin with?

It is against the 1988 Data Protection Act (I am not up to date on 2000 version!!) to store the details longer than required for their original purpose. So once the transaction has been made the details should be deleted from their system. A few years ago one of the cinemas got into trouble when someone complained to the Data Protection Commissioner that when he rang them to make a booking, they already had his credit card details stored from his last booking.

Had my AIB visa card cancelled lately as a precaution because Visa international advised AIB that the card details had been compromised.

However I was in the US at the time so luckily I had another credit card that I could use.

If I asked them not to cancel the card, I would have been responsible for all fraud on the Card and no upper limit to my liability.

I was not to impressed but having the second lower limit card allowed me to complete my holidays.

AIB did not inform me, the first I heard was when my card was declined by a hotel in Boston. Not very good customer service.
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Same as DingDing. My AIB credit card was rejected twice this weekend. When I called the credit card center this morning I was informed of the whole TKMaxx debacle and that my card had been placed under observation. Now that I had contacted them they proceeded to order a new card. Maybe I'm naive but I wish I had been informed of their actions to avoid me the embarrasment of having to leave behind my groceries!
I got a new card in the mail (my old one was still working though) with a letter saying it 'may' have been compromised because I'd shopped in a TJ(K) Maxx in San Francisco. There was an attempt to put through around $30 on it but my bank declined it.