shonefeld airport berlin?


Registered User
Any Berlin experts out there?
Was planning Ryanair cheap flight to Berlin through Shonefeld airport.
Where is it located with respect to city centre and access via train, taxi etc and travel time required?
Am concerned with Ryanair that it might be less than convenient!

Also any recommendation of hotels in central Berlin also appreciated.
It's no problem at all - it's not that far out of town at all and has a railway station right beside it with good connections into town.

It's the same Airport as Aer Lingus use in Berlin ... The other main airport in Berlin is Tegel which is closer to the city centre ... but I think the long term plan is to close Tegel and move everything to Schoenefeld where there is more room to expand etc.
Hey Runner,

I went with Aerlingus to that airport,
there is a train across the road, but there are also mini buggies (with Drivers) that drive you across the road for free !
It takes about 1min
As above, the train station is right outside the terminal. It took me a while to spot it as either it isn't signposted well or else I just didn't see the signposts. You come outside the terminal and to the left (unless Ryanair fly to the hangar-like low cost new terminal in which case it's to the right) you see a big glass covered curved walkway - just follow this and you get to the train station.

There is a ticket machine at the airport - I suggest using this as there were big queues of confused tourists lined up at the only 2 ticket machines in the station itself. I think I saw a sign saying there was a ticket machine on the airport express platform but I can't remember.

There is a subway line starting at the airport and bringing you direct to the city centre - takes about 40-50 minutes. There is also an express train which leaves from a different platform, gets you there faster and costs the same. You just need to buy a zone 1-? (maybe 4, whatever zone the airport is in) ticket and 'punch' it on the validators on the platform.

Summary - access to/from Schonefeld is dead easy, which is surprising given that Ryanair fly there.

One thing to note is that the airport itself is in former East Berlin and the whole trip in is through un-reconstructed East Berlin so it may look a little glum and grey but once you get to the city you see a much nicer Berlin.

That fantastic folks, all I needed to know from AMM people in an hour -thanks a lot.
Just going to run the Berlin marathon there late summer and could not believe the ryanair prices! Thought it might be out in the sticks somewhere. cheers all.
runner said:
all I needed to know from AMM people in an hour

I hope this come across as being smart but if you had googled "berlin airport" you would have had your questions answered in 0.08 seconds!
ubiquitous - the advantage of the AAM route is that you don't have to trawl through the usual pile of slightly related and long winded links that Google throws up. You can get a more concise version if the info here - sometimes.

For example, I didn't see anywhere (after doing a lot of Googling previously) what the actual charge was for the airport express, and I did *a lot* of checking for it. I found out it was the same charge from a poster in the train station.

But I do agree that some other questions on AAM can just as easily be answered by a quick search on the web. I tend not to respond to questions which involve me doing a search for the answer instread of the original poster doing the search.

Thank you zag. I did indeed google the airport but most links were hotel related sponsored links. Im lookin for PERSONAL feedback from visitors there which was exactly what I got from AMM members and am delighted with the prompt replies. Likewise, I respond regularly to other members requests, so a bit of recipricoral information exchange is whats these forums are about anyway!
Dont wish to go off thread, so will not comment furter on this. thanks all.
Oh, and finally, the x-ray/check-in procedure is somewhat tedious there and the staff (on the day I was there) were singularly rude. Go by the rules or be prepared for hassle.

Before checking in you must have your bags x-ray'd and then queue up to check in. No major problem, unless like me you decide to pack your coat into your checked bag while standing in the queue. While I was doing this (in plain view) I noticed a security man watching me, but didn't think much of it. After letting me go through the whole unpacking/packing thing he *then* told me I wasn't allowed do this and brought me out of the queue to have my bags x-ray'd again. There was no sign up that I could see that said you were not to open your bags after x-ray and anyway I could only be putting in things I had brought through x-ray with me. Then he stuck me to the back of the queue again.

While in the queue I noticed a few heated debates between check-in staff and customers and I really got the impression that we were imposing on them by the process of checking in. One lady in particular was telling a guy that he just had to throw away his bag because he couldn't carry it on and he couldn't check it in and she wasn't going to help in any way. She then warned him that she would be doing the boarding so he wasn't to even try coming near the plane with the bag. It all just seemed a bit agressive. Not what I normally expect from EI people, but it was a local contract company doing the handling there.

Moral of the story - don't bring extra/outsize/heavy bags, and don't do anything they could see as being a problem unless you want to spend a long time queueing or leave some of your baggage behind.


I see this is an old thread but couldn't find an up to date thread with the answer I require

I am wondering if anyone can help me with the name of a taxi company or minibus service that will take me from Schonefeld airport to my hotel in downtown Berlin ??

ask the hotel man

Thanks for your comprehensive reply

If I could do that I wouldn't be posting here.

I am looking for other posters experiences and knowledge.
We got a Taxi from Schonefeld to the centre 2 weeks ago. Just go the rank outside...there are loads of taxis and the queues were almost non-existent. Our flight arrived at 3pm on a Friday. Taxi journey roughly 35 minutes.
Why take a taxi ? The train which is just a quick walk will take you to anywhere central in Berlin & costs approx €2.50.
Which hotel are you staying in ?
We got a Taxi from Schonefeld to the centre 2 weeks ago. Just go the rank outside...there are loads of taxis and the queues were almost non-existent. Our flight arrived at 3pm on a Friday. Taxi journey roughly 35 minutes.

Can I ask approx cost pls?

Why take a taxi ? The train which is just a quick walk will take you to anywhere central in Berlin & costs approx €2.50.
Which hotel are you staying in ?

Children, luggage etc not worth the hassle
In my experience, its actually quite doable, even with small kids.

Enjoy Berlin. One of the best cities.

Horses for courses !

Thanks for reply, any particular recommendations with children etc?

There were 4 of us and it cost €50

any particular recommendations with children etc?

1. A small but nice indoor play area for kids just around the corner from Checkpoint Charlie. Its called PUPS and we found it online so you probably will. Its a nice relaxed place & you can buy alcohol there if the mood takes you.

2. The zoo is great.