shipping goods to Perth,Australia


Registered User
hello, we'll be moving to Australia for a year. can anyone suggest any good shipping company with reasonable charge from Dublin to Perth? I've did a quick search on google and found this company called Putra. it'll take 3 months and also i'm not sure if the charges are reasonable. Has anyone used this/other company? what's the average price? we plan to ship some clothes,utensils,books, baby stuffs. any advice appreciated. thanks!
I'm not sure it's worth shipping stuff to Oz to be honest (certainly not books, unless they are specific trade/technical manuals that you will need there).

Unless things have changed majorly, the only thing I would make sure to ship from here is lots and lots of shoes (buy new ones!), particularly ladies and gents dress shoes. Shoes that would cost say E50-E80 here were triple that price in Oz. Smart suits are also more expensive, but unless they are very light weight you might find your regular business wear too warm.

IKEA is in Perth - check out their prices online for cookware stuff; you'll have no problem selling it on when you leave.