shindlers list.any good?


Registered User
mate said yesterday this was possibly the best ever film,
wot do all ye knowledgeable people think.
just bought it for E7.99 in x ashamed to say ive
never seen it.
Yeah it's pretty good.

I always smile a little when I use the Shindlers Lifts at work
Have watched it half a dozen times at least.... it is joyous & sad.... Liam Neeson & Ben Kignsley are outstanding in it... watch it tonight!
may well do ninsaga!
ps,i said my top 3 films were
saving private ryan,departed,shawshank redemption.
why didnt we hear more acclaim about neesons role in this film?
considering all the fuss about d d lewis in his roles.
Probably one of the best true story movies ever made. A real story about how real people were persecuted by the Nazis during the second World War. Had and still has, thankfully, the ability to keep the doubting thomases and parasites quiet as to whether the Holocaust ever happened. I have watched the film at least a dozen times and will continue to do so.
Its reality. Yep it could be classed as depressing but think of those that survived and watched their families murdered. But it could be a very good wake up call to help others - especially those living in a multi cultural society where minorities are often chosen to ridicule and assault.
ok,enough talking.i'll watch and report back.
(also bought collateral is this worth watching mercman)?
I haven't got a clue. Sorry. I'm not a great movie buff, but mainly only watch things that are real and / or concern me.
It should invoke a range of emotions.

Especially when directed by the king of emotional manipulation, Speilberg.

It is a very good movie but let down slightly IMO by too many lingering brooding shots of Neeson and swelling melodramatic music.

As for the other movies fredg, I loved Shawshank and thought The Departed was pretty good but didn't think much of Collateral or Saving Private Ryan.
I enjoyed all of the other films that you listed. I thought that Saving Private Ryan was good....but it was the opening scenes that are the most memorable parts really (for me anyway)
Shindlers list is excellent. Shawshank Redemption most definitely in the top 3 but i wouldn't class Saving Private Ryan or Departed in there. One flew over the cuckoos nest or any of The Godfathers would be up there for me. The Pianist, Band of Brothers & Platoon would be other great war movies.

You gotta love the opening scenes from Private Ryan though, absolute class! I was lucky enough to get to be an extra on it, believe me even when your there certain aspects of it looked real when the scenes were being filmed.
Had and still has, thankfully, the ability to keep the doubting thomases and parasites quiet as to whether the Holocaust ever happened.

Send these idiots to Krakow to see Auschwitx & Birkenau. The sadest place i've ever been to.
Especially when directed by the king of emotional manipulation, Speilberg.

There's a very fine line between emotional manipulation and being a master storyteller. Speilberg isn't always on the right side of that line, but it would probably be the case if he didn't get it wrong some of the time, he wouldn't hit the heights he sometimes does.

Telling a story is what he's best at, whether its just a piece of entertainment, as with Jaws, or something rooted in a truely dark reality, as in Shindler's list.

Having said that, I can't actually comment on the film, not having seen it!
It is a great film - and very moving. Loads of great performances.

But its no Rush Hour 3 or Rambo 4 !!!
Its shot in black and white except for one small part which shows a little girl wearing a red coat. Emotional stuff.

Great movie alright.