Sherrif - Summons for parents



Can a county Sherrif issue a summons to somebodies parents, I have immigrated and they are threatening my parents back home in Dublin, I used to be an IT contractor and missed a tax return in 02. Its been going on for some time now, but I've no job to pay them and my parents dont have any money either. my dad drives a 92 ford escort.

I feel like S**T right now, it was ultimately my responsibility but why are they dragging my parents into this

Is it legal to do this, its not slander or anything, I did do wrong and should pay back but I think theres something sinister here.
Who is contacting your parents is it your previous employer or is it debt collectors or the tax office.

I expect it is a debt collector that is contacting your parents therefore they totally out of order doing this if they are aware that you do not reside there any more. Has your parents informed these people that that you do not live there any more, if not, your parents should retune any letters for you back to them unopened telling them that you do not resided there any more. If they continue to keep sending letters to your parents place for you, then your parents should write a final letter to them telling them to desists this activity as they will report them to the relevant authorities for harassment as this debt has nothing to do with them. Also, there are in breach of the data protection act.

Also when your parents are returning your mail informing them that you do not reside there they should make a copy of their letter and then send it off by recorded delivery and keep that receipt.

His parents could also forward his new address to them.
you should notify the Revenue Commissioners that you have moved and give them your new address. That way they will see you are overseas....non reident and leave your parents alone. Perhaps you could also offer them so much to clear the account. Once you change the address your parents will be left alone. If you start paying off the arrears even at a small rate this should be enough to get them off your back in the longer term. Even a nominal sum should be sufficient. Alternatively write to them and tell them you have no money and cant repay the debt. With a bit of luck they will write it off. Lots of demands are printed off computers automatically and hopefully this will stop when they know you cant pay and no longer in the country. I assume there's not a lot of money involved
I don't think revenue will ever write of a debt. Should you ever return to Ireland to work they will come after you for the debt plus penalties and interest.
The Revenue can make you bankrupt and you would be bankrupt for 12 years. This process costs over 10K and is unlikelty to be followed.However as with all debts they become statute barred after a number of years if no enforcement action is taken. A deal can be done to stop interest and penalties and as you are out of the country and the debt already goes back to 02 I'm sure a compromise can be reached. The rev will have to get real and move with the times as there will be many selfemployed people in the country who will no longer able to pay their tax bills as work dried up esp in the contruction industry though all sectors are affected.
His parents could also forward his new address to them.

That would be entirely up to the posters parents.

I don't think revenue will ever write of a debt. Should you ever return to Ireland to work they will come after you for the debt plus penalties and interest.

I do not think money that is owed to the government will be made statue barred either. But of course it would depend on how much they are owed.

This is the correct advice, send the revenue details of your income and outgoings, they cannot get blood from a stone. Therefore let them know as soon as possible your circumstances to avoid any further charges on the debt. Also keep a record of what you send and always send it be recorded delivery.

Best of Luck