sheriff letters



Hi there looking for advice please ;-)

Basically my family member has received sheriff letters after discovering he owes 16k in tax fees, which he was completely unaware of! has always had everything up to date with accountant etc, so i am unsure how this occurred ( i didnt ask)
now they are paying it off slowly 1k a month but they are saying its not enough!!! and threatening to come and take stuff from the house! they are trying to keep the business afloat, and have an overdraft of about 9k due to waiting on companies to pay him, he does give 30 days credit which when he goes looking for it they are saying they dont have it and he is giving another 30 days etc, but same story when they ask again!
the more it continues the more the debt is getting due to extra fees being added by sheriff company etc..

I have said to get a solicitor involved to try and slow these letters down and adding more pressure!

its spiralling out of control, as they have a lot of work but people aren't paying him! he has 6 people employed full time, so surely the government could back off a bit rather than him folding the company and they then end up having to claim SW etc??

any advice really appreciated!
Get a solicitor or accountant to write and explain the situation to Revenue. The Revenue don't need to go to court to get the sheriff after a person.
What does the accountant say? If all taxes were up to date then why would the sheriff be pursuing them?

First thing to determine is why €16K was unpaid. I would find it very unusual that the never received any notification from revenue or their accountant.

If they have an accountant and were paying him to do the relevant tax returns, then they need to ask their accountant why they were never made aware of a €16K liability.

Finally, solicitors would have less experience of dealing with revenue than an accountant or tax consultant and would be more expensive.
Is it him personally or the company that owes the 16k,

If the company owes 16k the sheriff cannot take anything that belongs to him personally. If he is a sole trader or a personal tax bill then its a different story.

As about get on to the accountants..
hi all thanks for the replys, he allowed a v good friend to come into the business and he took over the accounts etc and he hid it all from him!

he only found out when the letter arrived at the house!
Somethings are not adding up.

He is paying 1K a month, but the sherrif is after him, If he contacted them and was making regular payments, the case is unlikely to have been sent for enforcement.

Everything was up to date in the accountants, but the accountant's friend was hiding stuff.

Your family member needs to contact Revenue and state what happened, including the monthly payments. Get the Revenue to set out exactly what tax is owed and for what (ie estimates or actual returns).

Then your family member needs to have a face to face meeting with the accountant (& his friend if possible) and resolve what happened and why, they should not leave teh meeting until they understand everythign that happened, if everything that happened was the fault of the accountant then they should be reported to their body, however sometimes people don't always tell the full truth when they are under pressure.

But if your family member, is telling the full truth, then this really is a shocking turn of events
There is more to this than meets the eye. If the OP's take on events is true I cannot see the IR taking that approach. Something rotten in the state of Denmark!
Your family member needs to sit down with the accountant and sort out exactly what happened and what is owing.

Would it be possible to arrange a meeting with the revenue? If your family member is already paying off 1k a month it seems very odd that they are demanding more. he has already shown a willingness to pay the amount over time and 1k a month is a considerable amount.
My reading is that it was the "family member"s friend that took over the accounts and not the accountant's friend.
Your family member needs to sit down with the accountant and sort out exactly what happened and what is owing.

Would it be possible to arrange a meeting with the revenue? If your family member is already paying off 1k a month it seems very odd that they are demanding more. he has already shown a willingness to pay the amount over time and 1k a month is a considerable amount.
Spot on . And he should also sack the "friend" asap!