Sheep Wool - Straight from off the back off ewe?


Registered User
Hi - very little info on sheeps wool insulation in google and other forums.

Lets just say i have 300 ewes out in the field! I intend to shear them all and insulate my house with this. Now heres my questions.

1. Do i need to treat it?
2. If yes to the above question, how?


Would imagine you would have to treat it to make it fireproof first. Unless of course sheepswool is fireproof all on its own. Next sunny day, take one from the field and try it out on the bbq.:D

Seriously, though, would imagine some sort of treatment would be required
Yeah came across the link before, quite expensive, so i was looking into possibly doing it myself.

The woolly creatures are after all asking to be sheared. So i figured maybe use it myself.
1.3 Raw Materials: Sheep’s Wool (>90%), Borax Salt (<10%), Natural Rubber (<10%), Calcium Oxide, Iron Oxide, Alumina (<1%).
According to this sheeps wool is naturally flame retardant.

You could try making it into felt - it does involve a fair amount of carding, or so it looked like when Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall did it on River Cottage. Appartently making felt is called felting (I presume it is now legal in modern Ireland, though probably not on public transport). A quick guide to felting from the BBC.

Let us know how you get on! You never know, you could start a cottage industry - when I was insulating my house I ended up having to put rockwool in as sheeps wool or hemp were way too expensive.
yes you have to wash it otherwise it rots!
and stinks!?! you don't want to imagine the stink of old greasy rotten wool...
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