I have had 2 problems with SW one of which has yet to be resolved:
29 April Transfer €900 to SW
On the 14th of May I set a limit for AIB such that the total of my account was transfered to the stocks, the trade went ahead and was my first ever trade with them (No notification recieved).So I now have roughly 1000 AIB shares and €0 in the ac.
25th May I transfered 1000 across to the a/c
1000 AIB shares and €1000 in the a/c
Now the fun begins:
I rang up SW to place a trade by phone because online trading was suspended due to the volatility of the market ( So i was told, I believe this unless told otherwise) while on the phone I asked to transfer all the money in my account to BOI (No security what so ever) .Broker: "You want to purchase €1900 worth of shares"......Pause "No I should have 1000 in AIB and 1000 in the account" Response "I'm sorry I have no record of any trades".......
One Hour later I get a call saying that yes I was correct and that there was a system glich. SYSTEM GLICH WITH MY MONEY!!!!!
Needless to say the trade went ahead so roughly the current stadings:
1000 AIB
500 BOI
€0 in the account
All good....Not So
Later that day 4-Jun I checked the online portolio valuation my status it tells me is
2000 AIB
500 BOI
€-1000 in the ac.
So now I have an extra 1000 AIB and minus 1000 in the account!!!!!!
1:How the hell did this happen?
2:How is it possible for me to overdrawn I don't have a marginal account?
3:Whats really interesting is that I'm told that the Deal date of this extra trade is on the 14-May The same date as my original trade however it was never displayed on profolio table till the other day
I have not yet rang SW but will do today.I suspect another system glich.
If that is the case I'm astounded that such an incompetent team has been employed in SW to manage the database.
I am new to trading so I will remain open to the possibility that the latter issue is my own falut and if so I will amend this post to reflect truthfully what has occurred.
But the question still remains how could I overdraw on the account, why was I not in knowledge of the the second AIB trade until 3 weeks later, why did I not recieved notification by email of the online limit trade.
29 April Transfer €900 to SW
On the 14th of May I set a limit for AIB such that the total of my account was transfered to the stocks, the trade went ahead and was my first ever trade with them (No notification recieved).So I now have roughly 1000 AIB shares and €0 in the ac.
25th May I transfered 1000 across to the a/c
1000 AIB shares and €1000 in the a/c
Now the fun begins:
I rang up SW to place a trade by phone because online trading was suspended due to the volatility of the market ( So i was told, I believe this unless told otherwise) while on the phone I asked to transfer all the money in my account to BOI (No security what so ever) .Broker: "You want to purchase €1900 worth of shares"......Pause "No I should have 1000 in AIB and 1000 in the account" Response "I'm sorry I have no record of any trades".......
One Hour later I get a call saying that yes I was correct and that there was a system glich. SYSTEM GLICH WITH MY MONEY!!!!!
Needless to say the trade went ahead so roughly the current stadings:
1000 AIB
500 BOI
€0 in the account
All good....Not So
Later that day 4-Jun I checked the online portolio valuation my status it tells me is
2000 AIB
500 BOI
€-1000 in the ac.
So now I have an extra 1000 AIB and minus 1000 in the account!!!!!!
1:How the hell did this happen?
2:How is it possible for me to overdrawn I don't have a marginal account?
3:Whats really interesting is that I'm told that the Deal date of this extra trade is on the 14-May The same date as my original trade however it was never displayed on profolio table till the other day
I have not yet rang SW but will do today.I suspect another system glich.
If that is the case I'm astounded that such an incompetent team has been employed in SW to manage the database.
I am new to trading so I will remain open to the possibility that the latter issue is my own falut and if so I will amend this post to reflect truthfully what has occurred.
But the question still remains how could I overdraw on the account, why was I not in knowledge of the the second AIB trade until 3 weeks later, why did I not recieved notification by email of the online limit trade.