Shareholders Agreement


Registered User
Hi All,

Is there a standard procudure for a shareholders agreement in relation to a company set up?

Also, can this be incorprated into the company after its set up?

Is there a law society document on this thats pretty straight forward
Hi thanks for the replies,

Went to see a solicitor about it, and there lookin for close to E1500 to draw up one,

its just for the agreement, not the co set, or advice on anything else,

- Does anybody else think thats a crazy amount to be asking??

Thats why i was wondering if there is a standard one that he'll use..
(i.e one from the law society)
Hi usually when you create a limited company in Ireland, you will receive a standard Shareholder Agreement plus a 'standard' Memo and Arts (these are like 'Bylaws' in an American 'incorporated' company). You can get all of this done for you by several Irish firms that specialise in setting up and registering companies. They usally cost you between €350 and €650. I've used them and they're fine.

Have you already set up an Irish Limited company with shares? If yes then you MUST have created some method to manage your shares yes?
I would not have thought that a shareholders agreement would be part of a company set up package given out by a formation agent for a price in the region of €350-€650.00. Thats a very good price.

Queenburrito, do you mind telling me who you use, and if you would recommend them.

To the op : How many classes of shares do you have? Do you know which rights should sit with each class of share, etc.? How detailed do you want the share agreement.