Shared Ownership - Solicitor Required


Registered User

I am buying an apartment under the Shared Ownership scheme and I was wondering how necessary it is to get a solicitor. I know I need one to do up a family home declaration form but as it is the council who is doing the actual buying from the vendor do I really need one?

Has anybody done the shared ownership without getting a solicitor and did you encounter any problems?

Many thanks
I'm buying with Shared Ownership and i have no plans to get a solicitor.
Why would you?
You are paying the council nearly 3 grand for them to do all the legal stuff.
Going through the process at the moment. No you definitely don't need a solicitor. I needed one for the family home declaration act, cost me 17 euro !!!!
Exactly as adm2006 says why incur the extra expense ????
Hi Determine
Just a quick question if you don't mind i have been pre approved that has been signed and sent back over 3 weeks ago i thought i would get contract out then i rang this morning and they said i won't get final approval out in writing until Inspectors report comes back is this the normal procedure because the person i am dealing with is always very vague i am also moving into newbury wood clonshaugh
Hi Franklin,

I know you asked Determine but I am going through it right now so I'll give you me experience if you don't mind.

After you have been pre-approved the council send out a surveyor and valuer to your property to check it. Once they have checked it you will get your final approval certificate. When you get this you will be asked to get the property checked by a plumber and electrician to make sure there is nothing seriously wrong with the wiring and the plumbing. They will do up a report stating what needs to be fixed, if anything, and they have to give an estimate of how much the work will cost. You need to send this into the council asap. While you are doing this the council will have sent the file to their solicitor who will start work on the contracts.

I don't want to worry you but I was 10 weeks just waiting on the surveyor to come out so don't hold your breath waiting for the contracts! I have been involved in this process since February and the solicitor is only now starting work on the contracts so it's going to at least another 6-8 weeks before we close. You never know you might be lucky though but make sure you keep hounding them.

Good luck!
Hi Elliecon

Thank you so much for getting back to me so quick i was like a fool waiting at the post box every morning .as i said the person i am dealing with is not the best and i seem to annoy her more when i ring to enquire .anyway beside that it's great to actually know what the procedure is thanks to you the more time the better really so i can get a few bob up for furniture and carpets ect. Thanks again Franklin
To be honest Franklin the stage we are at with Newbury Wood means that things are moving very quickly. Like many others I've been in this from the start and still haven't seen a contract. AFAIK the DCC inspectors are going to be on site some time in the next week and they will snag the electrics, heating and plumbing. I don't expect to see a contract till they have done this.
I have done my own snag already and am also waiting for a letter from Tom inviting me to re-snag.
Like I say we're at the final stages so you best be quick saving the few bob :)
See ya there