Shared Driveway


Registered User
We’re sale agreed on a house which was built on the grounds of an existing house. The houses have a shared driveway from the main road which splits in two in front of each of the houses. There is no formal agreement re ownership or maintenance of the shared portion of the driveway from my understanding. It’s an informal arrangement at present .

My solicitor advised that there should be a formal agreement and that this should be registered. What exactly does this entail time wise does anyone know? Do the sellers just need to sit down with neighbours and draw up a document and have a solicitor look at it? Does anyone know what the registration process means?
Have you looked at the planning application and approval with the Council to see exactly how the driveway is split? You would need to conform to those.

You may be able to view it also on the Tailte ( website also. To register the site into two separate ones they should have registered there.
My solicitor advised that there should be a formal agreement and that this should be registered. What exactly does this entail time wise does anyone know?
Your solicitor hasn't addressed this question for you?