Share Transfer from Company to Individual



I want to Transfer some Publicly quoted Shares (currently in my Companies Name) into my own name....what is the process ?

Thanks for any help you can provide
You and the company are two completely separate legal entities.

The company must sell them to you.
If there was a gain on disposal, the company must pay the equivalent of CGT.
You must buy them i.e. transfer money into the company in exchange for the shares.
You must pay stamp duty on them.

This should all be done at market prices.

If you do it at less than market prices, you will be subject to all sorts of tax and other compliance calculations.

The actual process itself is fairly straightforward. Your stockbroker will do the paperwork for you and charge less than the normal commission - but ask beforehand.

Hi trenchrat

You should take advice on this. It may make sense to hold the shares in the company until you actually want to sell to a 3rd party to avoid the CGT selling to yourself.
