Share Transaction Charges , allowable expense against CGT?


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When calculating one's CGT Gain/Loss, are broker transaction charges an allowable expense to offset?
I did take a look on the Revenue site but couldn't find anything regarding this particular point..
What do you mean by broker transaction charges?

Please give some more detail of the charges in question
Yes, they are allowed when calculating your gain or loss

You should check site - it has all the information you need to calculate cgt

Out of intetest, what about an annual account fee, which Goodbody and Davy charge, for example?

Suffice to say, you can't have an account to trade in shares, unless you pay the fee, so I'd expect this charge to be allowed.
I doubt it.

An annual fee is like a charge to hold an asset.

It's fees/charges associated with the purchase and/or disposal of an asset that are tax-allowable.