share tips website

If you are looking for quick gains i.e. speculation then you may as well just go into a casino.

For a better investment approach there is the likes of (irish site, fee-based subscription).
There is no evidence that any of these stock tipping sites can outperform the market over the longer term.

Simply buy a balanced portfolio of stocks and forget about them.
There is no evidence that any of these stock tipping sites can outperform the market over the longer term.

Simply buy a balanced portfolio of stocks and forget about them.

Thats not correct. Plenty of funds and investment approaches out perform the market over the longer term (well 5 years+).
There is no evidence that any of these stock tipping sites can outperform the market over the longer term.

Simply buy a balanced portfolio of stocks and forget about them.

easy for those who know what a balanced portfolio is , besides , its been a stinker of a year across the board bar food stuff companys like kerry , glanbia , nestle etc
Thats not correct. Plenty of funds and investment approaches out perform the market over the longer term (well 5 years+).

ive done the fund thing , was in an irish life fund from 2007 - 2010 , never made a schilling despite the fact that none of it was in property , i had most of it in commodities and india - china , even during the 1st big soft commodities boom a few years ago , it never rose a cent , ditto with the consisten india - china boom , was a dog , then again i recently read that four out of five funds never make any money , thier all swallowed up with managment fees
Here are some tips:
Cant trust funds any more, need a more hands on approach now a days, ETF's are great hedging tools.
buy low sell high, switch to a safety razor for
I'd also recommend that you read "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham- it's the best book on personal investing I've ever come across. Especially Chapter 8. You can get it in paperback on Amazon.
Plenty of funds and investment approaches out perform the market over the longer term (well 5 years+).

Your statement is correct but as just as many funds and investment approaches under perform the market over a 5 year term.

The problem is that you don't know which ones will under perform or which ones will over perform!
Also when you adjust returns for risk against an appropriate benchmark then most of the outperformance evaporates.