I have done a bit of research into the official position of Share Success
Share Sucess is a registered trading name of Acorn Wealth Strategies Limited (CRO no 472366)
Jonathan Bradley is a director of Acorn Wealth Strategies Limited
Jonathan Bradley is also a director of Nedax Financial Consulting Team Limited
(CRO number 453272)
Gosling Investments is the trading name of Nedax (Business registration number 360855)
Many Askaboutmoney users cautioned against buying products from this company in this
2008 thread.
The modus operandi of Gosling Investments and Share Success are remarkably similar
- They operated from the same address for a period
- Cold calling people about a product which allows amateurs make money
- A product which is based on some computer technology
- Very little information on their website
- Very little information about the people behind the company
Nedax has gone into liquidation.
Oddly enough, I got a letter from Ivor Fitzpatrick Solicitors on behalf of Acorn trading as Share Success telling me, amongst other things:
"We wish to advise that while one of the directors of Acorn Investments was involved in a company called Gosling Investments...Gosling Investments is a legitimate company which is not connected with Acorn Investments and all references to Gosling Investments must be removed from this thread"
These sorts of threatening letters really get my gander up.