Over a number of years I have received Share Options from the company. The company is actually listed on the Finnish exchange.
Now that are woth something; I have questions on what tax to pay and how to pay it;
My basic understanding is that I have to pay tax on differece between the share price and the price at sell time.
And pay Tax on the profit.
Could anybody enlighten me...
Also it seems kind of unfair to be rewarded and tax'ed like this...
all the best
Over a number of years I have received Share Options from the company. The company is actually listed on the Finnish exchange.
Now that are woth something; I have questions on what tax to pay and how to pay it;
My basic understanding is that I have to pay tax on differece between the share price and the price at sell time.
And pay Tax on the profit.
Could anybody enlighten me...
Also it seems kind of unfair to be rewarded and tax'ed like this...
all the best