Share certificates



I own a small portfolio of shares and over the years have elected to waive the dividend payments in favour of the share reinvestment offers that many of the companies offered.

I recently moved house and it seems that some of the share certs are missing. I have heard that these certs are very hard to get replaced.

Does anyone know the proper procedure to get these certs re-issued
Lost share certs can be replaced by contacting the company's registrar (many companies use these days but check the Investor Relations link on the company's website for details). You'll need to provide them with a letter of indemnity signed by a bank manager or somebody similar and pay an administration fee of about €30 for each replacement share certificate. Obviously share certificates are valuable documents and should be stored securely - your bank may provide safe keeping free or for a nominal fee.
and pay an administration fee of about €30 for each replacement share
Per share or per share certificate ? I presume the latter ??
Per certificate! Sorry! I've edited the post so nobody gets a heart attack.
I got a series of certificates (in one company) replaced by Computershare.

They issued one replacement certificate (to replace 7 or 8 lost ones) and there was only one charge. So you don't have to worry about having to pay the charge for each lost certificate.
