Share Certificates. Any Irish Stockbrokers still using them.


Registered User
Is it possible for me to purchase shares through any Irish Stockbroker and for me to receive my shares in Certificate format, rather than online format?

I used to maintain an account with Campbell O'Connor Stockbrokers. When I purchased shares I received a share certificate rather than having them held online.

I paid a fee for purchasing these shares. There was no ongoing account charges. I could hold these shares for as long as I liked with no charges.

When Campbell O'Connor closed their business I opened an account with Davy.

I decided to invest a largish sum of money in a UK company paying a good dividend. The plan was to collect a decent dividend rather than leave funds in a bank and not earning much interest.

The problem I have now is that Davy are charging me a fee four times a year to maintain an account with them. If I was holding a share certificate I would not have to pay these charges as I would not need to have an account with Davy. I would need at some stage to open an account if I were to sell them. However I have purchased these shares for the long term.