SFT threshold to be increased and index linked


Registered User
Not a great way to find out, 3rd hand via government assurances to government employee's:
Senior officers have in the last fortnight been given assurances that the pension matter would be resolved, perhaps by raising the threshold at which high taxation rates for large pensions kick in and index-linking that threshold.
Key word = "perhaps"?
Hardly a binding promise?
Well that’s the word in the newspaper report, not in what they were told. To see so many apply for a job that will put them over threshold after such a long running saga you would have to believe the assurances were water tight.
There is nothing new in this. The IT have been repeating this same article for weeks with no new information forthcoming. The general consensus is 2.5 million.
The general consensus is 2.5 million.
I know enough about the annual budget process to know that:
1) the minister hasn’t decided yet
2) about two handfuls of people even know the options to present to the minister
3) people in group (2) don’t even talk to their spouses about this never mind anyone else
I know enough about the annual budget process to know that:
1) the minister hasn’t decided yet
2) about two handfuls of people even know the options to present to the minister
3) people in group (2) don’t even talk to their spouses about this never mind anyone else
Any plenty of strategic leaks to guage public opinion
I know enough about the annual budget process to know that:
1) the minister hasn’t decided yet
2) about two handfuls of people even know the options to present to the minister
3) people in group (2) don’t even talk to their spouses about this never mind anyone else
I know enough about the annual budget process to know that by Budget Day, every measure of note has long been strategically leaked into public discourse.
every measure of note has long been strategically leaked into public discourse.
Not true.

Stuff like income tax and welfare changes get socialised well in advance.

Areas where information is of strategic importance or where in-the-know people could make a profit or avoid a loss is kept extremely tight.

Personally based on what I have seen in the public domain I would expect SFT changes on Budget Day 1 October. But anything you hear about the detail is just speculation .
A few interesting nuggets from Finance Bill '22 took a few by surprise, I recall!

There is nothing new in this. The IT have been repeating this same article for weeks with no new information forthcoming. The general consensus is 2.5 million.
Not sure that’s true, they have now reported that assistant commissioners have been assured of the change now, which is entirely new information from all the previous articles which were about no Irish applicants due to no assurances. They’ve also reported a large number of new applicants based on the assurances. If anything it’s the opposite of previous articles. How that is defined as ‘nothing new’ is impressive
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