Severance document - legal implications


Registered User

In relation to leaving a job, Is there anyone who can tell me the possible legal implications following the signing of a severance agreement please?

Are these agreements used to ensure that the employee leaving the business cannot come back and claim unfair dismissal or redundancy at a later date?

Thank you

Yes. They are used so that you give up your rights. A solicitor should be consulted before signing any such document.
Thanks for the reply time. I did ask a solicitor to have a look at it but to date no reply. I will try them again tomorrow.

The doc itself seems straightforward enough in that it says the agreement will be kept confidential, that the severance payment is inclusive of all payments due including holidays and notice less all taxes due. It also states that you waive your right to go back and claim unfair dismissal or redundancy at a later stage.

Is there anything else it should cover do you know?

Thank you.
Why sign anything?
You have your rights - don't do something that could possibly sign any of those rights away!

If you are leaving because you want to then they can hardly not let you go!
If you are leaving because they want you to then just plain refuse to sign... I'm sure they won't keep you becasue you don't sign!