Setting up single member private limited company?



Hi All,

I have a few questions regarding the "Company Capital and Stamp Duty Section" of the A1. Basiclly I am setting up a company. I am the only member in the company, so I'm wondering how to fill in this section. Do I specify 1 share at 1 euro?

Also is the "accompanying memorandum and articles of association" the A1 form itself or another document entirely?

Thanks a mil
TBH you're better off getting a company formation agent to do this for you. Costs €199 and you get Memo & Arts, Copmany Seal and certificate of incorpotation in a nicely bound pack.

The DIY ones work out pretty much the same price because alot of people dont realise there's a €100 filing fee.
I would also seek advice on setting up a limited company and the responsabilities of directors and secretaries of a company

CRO & ODCE have very good info leaflets on this
One piece of advice. Get advice at the outset. It will cost you in the long run if you don't.
The memorandum & articles of assocation are separate documents to the A1 which needs to be submitted to the CRO along with the completed A1. They state the name & objectives of the company and set out the company's consitution and rules

On the shares, you need to complete both the authorised share capital and the issued share capital (which are likely to be different figures).

Use a company formation agent/accountant/solicitor to do it for you, you may save a few euro now by doing it yourself but it takes longer (28 days instead of 7 days by a registered formation agent) and any mistakes on the forms will cause further delays with the incorporation, and could be more expensive in the longer term if not done correctly.