Setting Up Residents Association


Registered User
I know that there are other posts on this but none really answer my queries

Our estate is about 3 years old and the builder now wants to finish up with the estate and the estate hasn't been taken into charge by the council yet.

We recently formed a residents association with the sole purpose of maintaining the greens ie cutting the grass. We are going to seek a contribution from every household towards the grass-cutting fees.

The thing is, we want to restrict the RA's activities to just grass cutting, we dont have the time, money or inclnation to get involved in such things as sewage, lighting etc - and we dont want the responsibility either. We dont want the ambit of the RA's responsibilities to grow legs so to speak

Just wondering if anyone has any advice, re how they set up their RA and what activities/respsonsibilites the RA took on

Well if the estate hasn't been taken over by the council it is still the responsibility of the builder.
The first aim of a residents committee should be to get the estate taken over by the council. A letter to the council requesting why the estate hasn't been taken over would be a start. This might highlight some issues about the estate that you are not aware of.