Setting up personalised email addresses


Tom Hagen

Was just wondering if anybody knows how to go about setting up the type of email addresses that a lot of companies use i.e. employee'

Also, how does one go about adding further employees' names to the list??

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!!
In our case our web pages are hosted by an external company - they provided a web link to a management application that allows us to add email accounts.

In the case where you have a generic email on your web page e.g., you don't need to setup an account and instead have these re-directed to a correct add e.g.

If you are hosting externally contact the hosting company for the details.
Yes, as GALLANTMAN states, it should be very simple. Most hosting companies ( which this site uses I think) will say you have 50 or 100 email address supplied as part of the hosting package. They will have issued you with an address link and password to access the management console software on their server,and you can setup the email addresses there. AS stated you could have, and, and then link these (again in the console program) back to one main accounts say
I myself forward a batch of email addresses on my website directly to my Blackberry device.
Register a domain name. Either a .ie or .com
Get hosting for said domain name

You should be able to find hosting and domain registration for a .com for under €50 with a reputable Irish company with servers in Ireland etc.,
but I would like an Irish company if possible. Don't actually want to set up a website (just yet) - any other suggestions?
An entry level hosting plan from an Irish hosting company would probably suit you. The UK company is pitching the solution as being email specific, whereas a "normal" hosting account would cater for your needs perfectly