Setting up a home network


Registered User
I have 2 PCs at home, both using wireless connection to a BT broadband/wireless modem. Each can access internet services using the wireless facilities. Now I want to be able for each to be able to access a folder the other PC.

I have Google'd and followed set-up guides but still haven't cracked it.

From Control Panel I followed the Network Setup Wizard on each. Each PC has a logical name assigned (i.e. DESKTOP, LAPTOP) and are assigned to the same Workgroup (e.g. ABC123).

This was run using a User account with Administrator privileges on each PC.

The Network & file shariing privileges, under Properties, have been set on both PC folders (Shared Documents) to support sharing ( & folders within Shared Documents).

When I go into Windows Explorer --> My Network Places --> Entire Network --> Microsoft Windows Network, I can see the workgroup name assigned above. Within that I can see the 2 PCs, or rather the logical names assigned.

When I acces the DESKTOP from the same PC, I see the files below it OK. When I access the LAPTOP from the DESKTOP PC I get an error message that \\Laptop is not accessible & that I need to obtain network permissions.

Same from Laptop, i.e. can see same PC but don't have permission to access Desktop.

I believe I have followed the guides to the letter but, obviously, something remains to be done.

Any suggestions on what I've missed ?