Setting up a Crèche



Hoping someone on here can help me out. I have been considering setting up a crèche for the past few weeks, its just an idea I have been toying with to be honest. Dose anyone know if the government are still giving out grants to help set them up ? Do people think this is still a good idea with the recession ?

Many thanks is advance
Good to be entrepreneuring but although there is a baby boom the market has become very competitive. Our local crèche has reduced its fees from €1250 to €950. And has also started offering part time places - something they never had to do during the boom. A friend of a friend set up one some years ago and said the only way she could make any money at all was by employing people on back to work schemes (FAS) so she didn't have to pay them a full salary - she had very mixed experiences with staff; She was also running this crèche from her own house so didn't have direct rental costs.
It’s a very long day, you need to be open 8am - 6pm minimum and many crèches have longer opening hours, which means a long day for you unless you can afford to stagger staff hours.
In order to avail of the Government grants you have to have a certain number of Baby places, the staff ratio for babies less than 1 year old must be 1 staff for every 3 babies and you cannot exceed this. Also Health and Safety are very strict on hygiene, parking spaces etc.
Some of the larger chains can charge higher fees but I think overall for a small independent one you have to be flexible.
You are 'doubly' exposed to the effects of the recession as if one part of a couple lose their job and are unemployed they may cancel their kids' crèche.
Anyway good to see someone getting out and being enterprising!
good luck with it.
Have you considered childminding to start off with - Just to see how you get on. your local childcare committee would be a great help to you here. If you are notified to them you can earn up to 15k tax free. I am a childminder and although I love the job it is very hard work and if you were to have a creche it would be even more work as you would have staff to deal with as well. - just a idea to ponder.