Setting off Security Alarm when you walk into a shop?


Registered User
I don't know if I'm the only person this happens to......
In the last couple of months, if I walk INTO a shop, I seem to set of the security alarm - it obviously then happens again on my way back out. It doesn't happen all the time but its not just a one off either! Its happened in a couple of different shops!
Its embarrassing cos as soon as the alarms go off, everyone looks at you! I don't know what could be setting this off - I've nothing in my bag that I've just bought where the security tag was left on or anything!!! Its getting to the stage I don't want to go into any shops that have these alarms!!!!!
Any ideas?
Ahving read that thread (the problem with CDs) adn noting your username, could there be a connection?
Ahving read that thread (the problem with CDs) adn noting your username, could there be a connection?

Good thinking but unfortunately no. I don't usually carry CD's around with me and this happens even when I have nothing with me that I've just purchased.

I've too many clothes, shoes and bags to check every single item to see if there is some sort of tag attached...........
I go off all the time when I wear a particular handbag - it has a heavy metal ball attached to leather thongs....might it be something like that? A belt or similar? Perhaps even a peircing?
Surely you only have to check the one outfit that you are wearing when the alarm goes off?

Going forward if it happens again, i can check the outfit that I am wearing or the bag I have with me at the time

Although its happened so often in the last couple of months, I can't go back and check every item of clothing/bag that I own..........
Happens me a lot too - could be the I-pod.
I just casually ignore it and walk on - I have NEVER been stopped by security.
Prob could be robbing stuff and gettin away with it if I was that way inclined
If you have a body piercing (belly button) it can cause alams to go off.
Same thing keeps happening to me. Its getting embarrasing! Was in a chemist today and alarm beeped on way out. Had to empty bag from there and then they had to look through the other bags I had. Don't know what set it off. Had only bought tissues and eye drops in chemist, neither security tagged and shoes in another shop and when I left there no problem with the alarm.
Nothing electrical etc in my bag, wasn't wearing a belt. Would a mobile phone set it off I wonder?
Recently I set off alarms when entering some shops in a Belfast shopping centre.
Narrowed it down to my Jessops camerashop purchases. Jessops couldn't find the reason so I continued to shop and bleep, no-one batted an eyelid.
Later I dismantled my shopping and found the chip in the Jessops own-brand memory card packaging.