Set up a leasing company


Registered User
I am currently putting come thought into starting a leasing company to specialise in a specific industry sector, possibly healthcare, utilities or even retail but would need to do more research on this part.

What are the legal requirements of setting up a leasing company?

I would be grateful if anyone could point me in the direction of such information.

I am a qualified accountant, so although I know very little about it now, I am confident I could administer such a company.

Many Thanks in advance.

Did you have any luck getting info on setting up a leasing company?
I'm interested in doing the same thing.
Hi Maximus,

I did not go any further with that and started in another area instead. I still think the timing is right to start such a company, but sourcing capital is probably the biggest obstacle.

I did not receive much in the way of info on this so unfortunately I dont have much to pass on.

Good Luck