Service boiler


Registered User
A plumber is trying to charge me 100 euro to reservice my boiler, is this a good price or he tries to rip me off?
Its not cheap but then again its not too dear As far as I can recall the last time we got ours serviced which was about a year ago it was approx €80. These things are inclined to go up in price each year also.

There is a recommendation for service guy in this previous AAM thread.
We paid somewhere between 80 and 100 euro last year, as far as I can remember. Ours is a gas boiler, and the guy that serviced it was from a gas service company. I may be being unnecessarily paranoid here, but it is worth bearing in mind that, if your boiler is gas, Bord Gais might technically require you to have the boiler serviced by someone qualified to service gas boilers, rather than a regular plumber. The "official" service guys might well be plumbers too, mind you, but a non-"official" guy may not be able to provide you with the relevant service record/document.
I paid I think €270 in September but I needed a part. I'm sure the call-out on the invoice was around €100.
Mine is a gas boiler too and the service was done by one the Bord Gais approved companies, I got them from the Bord Gais website. I chose them cos their address is near to me - North Dublin City
I paid E65 last week to a boiler service-man--he was honest enough to tell me he is not a plumber--his training is as a gas boiler serviceman. His name is Ray Nolan and he hangs out of the Naul, County Dublin--dont know how far he travels.....
90e with [broken link removed] on the southside

70e for oil or 90e for gas with [broken link removed] on the northside
To cibby: A trained gas boiler service man is a much better choice than a "plumber".