Never been a fan of septic tanks. Always thought that we would have progressed beyond burying our human waste in our back gardens and allowing run off into our water table.
Wow, I'm fascinated (and delighted) that you find them Fascinating?
I'm building at the moment and nearing the time that I have to start researching septic tanks. Any advice/reasons you could provide about why I should select one system over another would be great. Also, what criteria should I consider prior to purchasing/researching?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide - it's much appreciated as I find this a daunting area!
Can anybody give me some advice please. I am using an eco septic tank, it is often left for long periods unused but operational. I have returned home to find it is not working, I tried playing with the switches and the fuse to no avail!! Do you have any suggestions other than an expensive call out. Must grateful for any suggestions.
"Under the Act, owners of domestic waste water treatment systems are required to ensure that their systems are on the register."
More under FAQ:
"All owners of domestic wastewater treatment systems are required to register their systems with the water services authority in whose functional area the systems are located. However, owners of properties connected to larger on-site systems which discharge in excess of 5 cubic metres per day do not need to register. Such systems, which serve sports clubs, pubs, hotels, guesthouses and other businesses require a licence from the relevant local authority under Section 4 of the Water Pollution Act 1997."
Septic Tank is only as good as the percolation area. Some soils have no percolation and tanks will not work.
Soakpits attached to septic tanks are not now acceptable. Properly designed percolation areas are now the standard.
If your ground has no percolation then you have to install a treatment plant and pump to an overground constructed percolation area.
Some houses have septic tanks that just dont work because there is no percolation and the new inspections may uncover these.
You need to be very carefull buying a house with a septic tank.