seperation and entitlements


Registered User
hi, i was wondering if anyone can adivse me on this. a friend of mine is seperated from his wife (not legally). anyhow, he lives apart from her and rents an apartment. she remains in the family home. they are both in full time employment and always have been. they have 1 child together that remains with his ex. the family home was bought prior to there marraige and prior to them being together. it is in his name solely. she never contributed one cent to the house ever. her name is not on it. he also owns another house in which he has a family member living that pays rent. he pays the mortgage on this himself as with the family home. again bought prior to any relationship with his ex.
question is is she entitled to half of these homes as she never had any investment in them and never paid any money into them. second is she entitled to money he had saved prior to the relationship and marriage? she currently has lodgers living in the home with her and her child. he is still paying the mortgage as its in his name. he doesnt want to see his child hard done by but she wants blood and is threating him for every cent he has even though she makes slightly more than him in earnings and has lodgers living with her.
thanks for any advice.
He needs to see a solicitor to deal with his overall situation.

You can't deal with the queries raised in isolation to how they intend to formalise their separation.

I agree with what mf1 says. Formalising the financial element of a separation includes dealing with all issues including all assets, whether in sole or joint names, savings, pensions, maintenance issues etc.