Seperated after a few years marriage. She owes but refuses to pay mobile home loan.


11 clowns

Ive been married just under 2 years but 18 months ago my wife and I decided to buy a moblie home for weekends away.
We didnt have a joint account to get the loan because she had been black listed.

So we decided that I take out the loan of 18K.

Just over 6 months ago she walked out. She said she didnt want to take the house ( I bought the house before we were married) that she only wanted the mobile home.

I told her that was fine if she would agree to take over the payments and paid towards a loan we took out towards the wedding.

I'm being crippled with the payments, for both wedding and the loan for the mobile. Plus my mortgage.

Is there anything i can do to try get her to pay her half of what she owes.
Re: Seperated after a few years marriage. She owes but refuses to pay mobile home loa

You need to see a family law solicitor to formalise your situation - be that a legal separation or a divorce, unless you feel there is a chance of reconciliation.

Just because she 'says' she doesn't want the house, normally she would be entitled to half of it, & could easily decide otherwise next week, next month or next year.........

Best to get it all sorted out legally, so you will both know exactly where you stand.
Re: Seperated after a few years marriage. She owes but refuses to pay mobile home loa

Thanks Papercut,

I will make appointment to see a solicitor.
I thought she might have been entitled to "half the house" but was'nt sure because i had bought it before we were married, and because she had walked out. Interst only mortgage and so far still paying interest so no reall dent in the mortgage, also considering the current climate house price dropped considerably.

What i want to understand is that bills/loans/mortgage etc all in my name can i get some of these transferred to her name?

I have during our marriage been the spouse with lower income and paid for all the above whilst she would provide soley food for the household. As you can imagine this in no way reflects what 50:50 contributiuon you would expect in a normal marriage!

Will the fact that i have spent more be favoured upon considering my income was lower?

Just looking for some basic advice as dont want to pay a solictor hours pay with him giving me baisc info, id like to go in armed and ready so we can discuss important stuff and no B.S


11 CLowns
Re: Seperated after a few years marriage. She owes but refuses to pay mobile home loa

Getting married does not mean your wife is entitled to half the value of the house.

You need to go and see a solicitor and get everything sorted out before it gets worse.

If you are having financial problems I recommend you do the money makeover section.