Separation that just happened what next?


Registered User
A young Irish girl gets married to a non national 4 years ago, they have a 2 year old child, They buy a site and get a large mortgage in both names, 1st stage payment of mortgage money is put into his account and child is on his passport, he leaves Irl with other women and all his account cards and credit cards of which she can't access, builders are not paid or materials not paid and now he text, he wants his child to be given to him, and she is in fear that he will come back and take the child, What is she to do? How Can she stop him from spending mortgage money or from taking child. She cant even get his new car out of airport. Really she or her family can't do anything as they are in such shock. I advised her to go to the bank and solicitor immediately but she cant go anywhere she says, there is no point as nothing is in her name.
Get on to the solicitor that arranged the mortgage straight away and explian what has happened. Ask them to contcat the lending bank to inform them of the situation. The lending bank may be able to request that the funds in the husbands bank are frozen as they are not being used for the house build. I don't know if this is possible but it's worth a shot. Also contact the Gardai as this might be viewed as theft as the funds were for both the woman and her husband.
I would go to the local Citizen's Advice Bureau, only because I wouldn't know where to start. There must be a way to stop someone taking a child against the wishes of the mother, it is abduction after all. Legally I am not sure she can do anything in relation to bank accounts that are not in her name and she has no entitlement to. But of course a chat to the bank manager would help clarify that. Most important though is the little kid. Definitely find out legal situation via CAB. Good luck to her.
She should contact a solicitor straight away. I can't see that he would get custody of the child but she should still get professional advice anyway. As far as the money goes she should have some recourse but it could involve going to court. If she paid money to him for the purpose of building the house then it could be the case that he holds the money as a trustee for her and cannot spend it however he sees fit. Whatever she does she can't ignore the problem, tell her to see a solicitor as soon as possible.
because they are married they are both legal guardians of the child. he could take the child and this lady could have a large battle on her hands to get the child back. seek legal advice immediately.
no one knows what way a parent will act when it comes to a child. im sure if the child is an irish citizen this would have a little more leeway.

i stand to be corrected on the above.
This might be of help; I believe they have an information pack and guidelines on what steps to take where abduction is a concern.

Irish Centre for Parentally Abducted Children St. Anne's Parish Centre, Molesworth Place, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 662 0667. Fax: (01) 662 5132