Separation - partners debts


Registered User
I have recently separated from my partner and left the family home. My partner has amassed a large number of debts during the course of our marraige. I am desperately worried that they will effect me and what little assets we jointly own.
there's an old saying, 'whats yours is mine and whats mine is my own' you seem to have mastered that one! if your partner had amassed many riches during your marriage would your question be different i.e. how much for me..........................................
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A partner can be selfish and not tell you either what debts they have until it is too late and they are way over their heads. Some people have an addictive personality and buy buy buy and lie lie lie about it!!
im sorry if i sounded judgemental as that was'nt my intention, some times the written word can 'sound' cold. in this situation tere are going to be no winners, God bless.
I agree there are no winners. I just don't want this situation to get worse & I did nothing to protect what little there maybe. I tried a visit to MABS but my ex didn't take to this. The 'head in the sand' has been the attitude, which will makes dealing with things difficult. I am sure other have gone through similar experiences so there maybe some options.
Get your own an [broken link removed] (ICB) report to see what loans are in your name and if they are in arrears.

If you have a joint account, contact your bank to ensure both of your signatures are required for withdrawls. Close any such accounts as soon as possible.
Do the same with credit cards you may have jointly.
The point is, find out what is in your name and what you have jointly. It would stop the uncertainty.

If you have items in common, then stop the other person abusing it.
Take control of your own finances. Don't get into revenge...

Other person's behaviour may just be them acting out emotionally. If you can get some mediation going, just to sort out the practical stuff, it may help.
I'm assuming that this is a no going back situation?

Best of luck.