separation divorce bereavment weekend


Registered User
just wanted to know has anybody got a recommendation for my friend who in the last 4 years has gone through a separation and now a divorce on top of their mother passing away after illness nearly 6month ago ... they are a shadow of former self and have been struggling to clear former partners debt which gladly is reasonably under control but have forgotten how to enjoy themselves

i heard a feature on the radio maybe marion finucane show couple of years ago about a highly recommended separation divorce bereavment weekend
suggested to my friend at the time they did not avail but now with mothers death they seem to have gotten lower so i just wanted to get the details so they can have them to hand

my friend is 29 is there a good mixture of ages at the sessions
you can try some or all of the following websites:,,

I haven't heard of anything like what you describe; some time ago there was a couple (I think) who were setting up seminars on Sep & Divorce; but I think it was more from the legal/settlement perspection rather than counselling.

There are bereavement groups such as Bethany and local parishes often run retreats and similar that may be of help (depends if your friend would find this helpful or not - some do, some don't).
It's always hard to comment on such cases based on partial information but perhaps your friend should contact her GP just to rule out the possibility of something like reactive depression which would not be unusual in situations such as this and which could need something more than just a weekend away to deal with. Of course only 6 months on she is most likely still going through a natural grieving process for the loss of her mother and that too will take time to work through and should not be rushed.
As far as I know, there is an organisation called Beginning Experience which runs week-end residential sessions in All Hallows in Drumcondra for people that have gone through a separation or breavement. hth.