Separated what happens to an investment property


Registered User
Bit of a prob. My partner & i have split & the family home is in both names.
However we also have an investment property but it's only in his name. Both were bought at the same time. Do I have any legal rights in it.
Please help
Re: Seperated what happens to an investment property

Are you married? Or unmarried partners. If unmarried, you ( more than likely) have no entitlements to anything not in your name.

If married, you need a solicitor to advise you on the specifics of your case.
Is there any reason why you should be entitled to a share of the investment property? did you pay for it or towards it?

We are not married. I raised the deposit for it & stupidly didn't have my name put on it. I'm grasping at straws because I need every penny I can get. 2 Kids to support & scared silly.
You really need to see a solicitor - there is a possibility of acquiring some percentage ownership but you'll either need to agree that with your ex partner or apply to Court.

You should weigh up the expense of a Court application against the potential gain.

Have you any way to prove that you raised the finances for it. This should help.
Best of luck with it all.
Thats the first time I've seen ex-partner in writing. Not nice. Anyway the deposit was raised by way of a "car loan". Everything is so messed up trying to stay in the hse, part time employed, trying to return to college the list goes on.