Sending Faxes From A Laptop


Registered User
I used to send Faxes from my PC and it all worked fine. I've got a laptop now (I've got rid of my PC) but can't seem to get it working. I plug the phone cable directly from the phone socket into my laptop. When I put the phone number in (using the fax sw which seems to be part of windows) & try to send it, it makes initial noises but doesn't seem to connect with the number. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
I don't know alot about facsimile but when i bought my pc, the dial-up modem was broken it would dial in and then disconnect, other experiences is when the modem made noise and then stopped, and no connection, but i dont know if faxes use the modem or a built-in modem in the fax machine.
Is your modem capable of sending/receiving faxes? What make/model is your laptop?
I've a Sony Vaio. Checked the Fax Device and it says HDAUDIO SOFTV02. I was wondering, is there anywhere where I've to manually input my details (phone number etc) or is that picked up automatically when sending over my phone line?
What noises are you hearing? Just the tone dialing or the "beeps & squawks" of the modems training?
Checked the Fax Device and it says HDAUDIO SOFTV02
That should probably be SOFTV92. In any case, it supports fax. Is there any chance you could try sending a fax to your laptop from a fax machine? Or could you try someone else's/a different phone line? Is there any region/country select utility buried somewhere within the modem config?
I use [broken link removed] and think it's brilliant - no need for using the phone line at all. Faxes cost between 5c and 12c depending on the time of day and if you're only sending faxes you don't have to pay a monthly fixed fee.
The Iflow site looks good - I'd still like to get the fax working through the laptop as it's worked before. I set the fax up for send & receive (automatically after 3 rings). Connected the phone line directly to my laptop. Rang the line from my mobile, to see would I get a fax line. Didn't get anything at all - it went to voicemail in the end.
I have been using for over 2 years now and would also recommend them. Their customer service has also been really good on the rare occasion I needed it.
Downloaded the free software alright - I'm a miserable git though. If I've no joy from the forum I'll stump up a staggering 5 Euro for the service. The fact that I was able to set up the fax on the PC, but not on the laptop is annoying me.
I can understand your annoyance - I've set up this facility on my own laptop and it's very useful.

Simple facts in this are that your laptop is capable of sending/receiving faxes. Therefore, you should be able to do so, all that's missing is the configuration.

So, here's what you do..
Open a new MSWord document - type something in it and then save it with the name "Test".
Now, go to File - Send To - Fax recipient
This will open a Wizard - click Finish (Do not click Next)
This will open a second Wizard - Click Next - Enter the details required - Continue to click Next until you are finished.

Ensure that your telephone line in connected to your laptop - listen for a dialtone - sit back and relax as you have sent your first fax.

In the event that you are not now sitting back comfortably then go to the Control Panel look at the Fax icon and usually under the Fax Service Management Console headings you will find the send/receive box - ensure that this is ticked. If this does not solve it then go back to where you bought it and get them to set it up for you. Let us know how you get on
No joy. Got in contact with Sony Vaio People and spent an hour and a half on the phone. The modem isn't working. Got as far as the dreaded "you'll have to perform a system restore" before we'll change the modem for you. With all the programs I have on the laptop, this isn't really an option. They said that if they picked it up, they'd see that a system restore wasn't done, & they'd probably end up doing it at the factory. It all seems more hassle than it's worth (I only need it for the fax sending capability - nothing else) - think I'll just have to put a few euros credit in Iflow and go from there. Annoying, allright!
You could pick up a cheap external USB fax/modem that would do the same job. Plus if the internal modem is broken and it's within warranty then you should make them aware that you are aware of your consumer rights to repair/refund/replacement
I was thinking about this afterwards. They seem to be of the opinion that they have to go through their specific list of remedies before actually replacing the modem. "System Restore" seems to be the next remedy on their list before they'll go to the next step. I work for myself and have a lot of programs + valuable info on laptop. Can I tell them, that no, I don't want them to do this restore & that I want to have the modem replaced? Perhaps they're entitled to take this line. At the same time - all I need to do is send a number of faxes over the year. A bit of credit on Iflow seems to be the easy way out - I have to ask myself if I need the grief (presume that they'd take away the laptop to get the modem replaced & I'd be without the laptop for a number of days)
You could buy a new laptop hard disk and clone your existing disk contents to that as a backup before doing a system restore. That way you have a master copy of your current setup that you can install or restore later.
I've actually got a 320GB external harddrive. Is a system backup as straighforward as it should be? I don't fancy losing vital programs or files.