Sending e-mail to multiple addresses MS Outlook


Registered User
Would appreciate any information on how to send an e-mail using MS OUtlook to about 500 e-mail addresses.

The addresses are in a database and I can convert them into a string of addresses, separated from eachother by a comma.

I don't want all 500 addresses to appear at the top of the e-mail I am sending and there doesn't appear to be an option in Outlook to add them to the address book other than individually, which would take forever.

So if someone knows how I can send the message to the 500 addresses without showing all of them at the top of each message, I would be really grateful.

Have searched AAM, MS OUtlook help and Google and can't find an answer. I am also a relatively new Outlook user.

Thanks a million for your advice - I'll try and let you know how I get on.

You could also do a mail merge so that each recipient receives an email addressed to them only. Benefit is that each message can appear to have been sent individually (e.g, Dear Joe, Dear Martin, Dear ....)

Look up mail merge in Word (it uses Outlook to send as an email).
Mail merge is your best option because in OUTLOOK if you have too many messages going to the same network (i.e. or ) they will fail to send after a number have been sent. (check error messages) I usally break down a major list to 50 adddresses and include them in OUTLOOK as BCC.